Wednesday 5 September 2012


Education should be taken seriously for it can separate the thin line between success and poverty. We have heard of rags to riches stories being aired on television. And almost all stories are the same. What made them succeed in their life is the fact that education played an important role in the realization of their dreams.
But not all people are aware of the importance of education because they have been accustomed to clinging for their parents for support. What they don’t realize is that they should start re-thinking about their ways and start acting like responsible adults once and for all.

There are a lot of youths today who would do anything just so they could go to school. In many poverty-stricken areas all across the globe, there are children who walk miles and miles on end just so they could attend school. Never mind the fact that what they tread on are mud and rocks. And what adds up to their dedication to acquire education is often times walk for hours barefooted without any complaints.

What students who have the academic advantage don’t know is that there are students who use leaves and charcoal which serves as their paper and pencil at school. Most of the time, they go to school with an empty stomach which makes it really hard to concentrate on the lessons.

Students who are not taking their studies seriously should bear in mind that they are indeed very lucky, unlike the children in other impoverished areas in the world who are doesn’t even know what a computer does and how it operates. Other countries have it worse. There are also adults who don’t even know how to read, let alone write their own names.

The education sector has really revolutionized since the birth of technology and the internet. It is because of this that we now have online schools helping millions of students. But what should be given more importance is the fact that even if governments in poverty-stricken areas go to the grass roots level of education by providing adequate and classrooms conducive to learning, then the people would become aware on the different phenomena in their environment. Thus, they can respond to these right away.

Education can also enlighten others of their rights and teach them how to defend these rights no matter what. Education shouldn’t be hard to acquire. It is the right of every person.